Perched what would seem precariously on a rock formation stood a serian. Pondering, debating. Wings fine as gauze but imbued with strong magic glinted in the shadowed moonlight. Oh how he wished for a good storm right about now. To feel the wind tossing about, hear the tussling of land and living creature to match his internal unrest. A tail he'd inherited from his father whipped slowly about, with three tufts at the ends rippling and dancing in the light as a flame might. A tail he'd passed on to a daughter. With this new start he had much to contemplate. Steely grey eyes turned from the north to gaze southward. Something in the wind called to him...
A bit ethereal and aloof, with a glow that's a strange match for the impending tumult atmosphere. Stars through the rain, a celestial storm. His mother's enchantment mingles with his father's intensity in an unpredictable way, sparks and bolts shrouded behind mystery and promise... He searches for a land to call his own within his new bonded's realm, investigating all that is new with a keen, stern expectancy. Here he calls home, a jungle land with floating mountains topped with thick vegetation. His sire occupied the jungle lands proper, especially those bordering the beachland backing up to the sea. His daughter had found herself a standing mountain that reared high up to the sky with ancient ruins providing an exotic feel. Together they weathered storms and supported one another in a way he'd dared not hope before.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com