Frost Rose
Rose turned her back to the wind and stood strong. It blustered and raged and fizzled around her in chaotic swirls, whipping her mane and tail as she centered herself and gazed over the lands before her. Her near future held choices, decisions, a new leaf. It was exhilarating. Her eyes gleamed, then softened.
Before she'd picked a place of her own, she had gone on a quest for find her brother. She'd feel him as a tug on her heartstrings before Vineda had told her as much; she'd known it in a much deeper way.
Finding him and healing some of the wound left there after their family was torn asunder had been her first priority. Ears perked up at all that lay before her. The lover and the fighter in her blood was awoken, the Bond had given the blood in her veins a new zing, new strength. It was time to go out and live and love and learn, and the world was at her hooves.
Her place was above the base of the highest mountain in Pendar, amidst pine forests and open lands filled with snowdrifts. Here she could imagine the influences of her father at work in the vast sky... Though her mother was a sea mare, her strongest connection to the water was the vast lake down at the bottom of the mountain where her brother lived. He was the one who stayed close to the water.
They visit often, Coal and Rose. She could gaze down on his lake from the open hills of the mountainside, and he could gaze up at her mountainside from the rocky shore. She was particularly glad the water he'd chosen was so very close to a high mountain, indeed the best mountain in her mind. Perhaps one day she would be able to meet her father again, as Coal had been lucky enough to get the chance to do, or her mother. Vin had told her they'd each bonded again. Soon, soon she'd have to venture back to the land of her origin...
A lovelier mix of dainty lady and fiery miss you'd be hard pressed to find. She'll play in the mud with the boys better than they can sometimes, and after she'll be as bright white as the ice on her mountain top.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com