A New Start
Oak's reBonding was a bit different than most others,
The sundering of a Bond is never taken lightly, though when his Bonded could no longer care for Oak she did still look ahead for him and send him lovingly to a new home. A part of him will always have that old Bond-thread he had shared with Ravyn, and he will never forget her.
One on one, Vineda walked each of new bonded through some of the lands of her home. It was theirs to choose and many were the options open to them here. She'd listened, spoken, answered questions, pondered, and simply enjoyed the company of her companion. For she had given them a choice. She could have it no other way, for this place was meant to be a haven.
Oak fits his name well; he's a strong steady fellow with lots of heart. The forest is his chosen stronghold, yet he positively basks in the sun that peeks through the leaves. He's sturdy, never bothered by much. Challenges make him stronger, and he will endure. Life moves on, growing always. Red horns are sharp and readily available for defense, yet this gentle giant doesn't seem likely to need them, much less use them. Green mane and tail seem to glow slightly in the sun, much as summer leaves do at the peak of their season.
He brings his past with him through life's ups and downs, knowing it has helped make him who he is. His roots support him and anchor him though they may wind this way and that unexpectedly, and he accepts hardships with determination, knowing this too shall pass.
At times a wizened old soul, at others a young buck gallivanting through the forest, Oak embodies the life of a forest. He weathers the time through refuge in his trees with Talon often shadowing him. They two came together to this land from their previous Bond, and still they stick together.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com