A New Start
The sundering of a Bond is a grave thing, and once done takes time to repair and heal. It is said that some never Bond again. Avalanche, icy and wintery though he be, is of a strong heart and felt the pull to Bond again.
Avalanche's reBonding was also a bit different than most others. His old bond had faded early until it was quite changed. A part of him will always have that old bond-thread woven through him, and his Lady Crow will never be forgotten.
One on one, Vineda had walked each of the new bonded through some of the lands of her home. It was theirs to choose and many were the options open to them here. She'd listened, spoken, answered questions, pondered, and simply enjoyed the company of her companion. For she had given them a choice. She could have it no other way, and nor could they, she knew.
He has his own unique style, fine and filigreed like the markings on his snowy hide as though the finest of ice tendrils had branched and spread in a dance upon him. Unlike the stark designs, however, his personality takes a while to get to know and appreciate. Slow to anger or motivate, once he gets a move on he's nigh unstoppable!
This frosty fellow tends to prefer solitude, especially because of his profound love for the cold. Not many others enjoy such harsh climate, but this tough guy thrives on it. He dwells high in the peaks of the snowcapped mountains, where the winds leave beautiful designs in the snow and whip through his icicle-laden mane.
Time did bring him to find a love in the gypsy dancer named Treasure, and he joined the Circle of the Sun's Shadow with her and two of their Bond-mates. It divides him, for though he often longs to be high on the peaks of his mountains his heart pulls him again and again to the high mountain meadows where Treasure can dance among both the snow drifts and her sacred sunlight.
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