Name: Shamrock
Gender: Male
Age: adult
Altar/Affinity: Forest Song
Special Stats: none noted
Bond-day: April 21, 2009
The lime green stallion prances along through a meadow, whether or not there’s anyone to see. Light of heart and a tree hugger as his friends and bond-mates call him, he’s pleased at the simple things in life. A jokester, it’s true, but a more pure heart you’ll not find anywhere. A friend you want by your side in a rough time.
Shamrock he’s called, and he basks in the sun and the bright, keeping them in store for the gloomy days. He is the first of Vineda’s bonded. An easygoing sort of guy who’s ready for anything. His playful soul leads him to decorate himself in sparkly tinsel and prance right into a group of other serians. His love for others makes him fiercely protective of his friends.
Sham idly crops some long grass in the sun, flicking his tail this way and that for something to do. At random he lowers himself to the grass, rolling and kicking, rubbing his back in the cool greenery. It hits all the right spots, and it cools off the back that’s been sitting out in the sun all morning. With no apparent signal, he halts his antics and gets quickly to his feet with ears perked. In a matter of a few seconds he’s off, racing to find some new entertainment, leaving the scent of green things growing lingering behind…
As the first of his kind to make his home in this land, Shamrock has ever shared in the role of resident welcoming committee, messenger, and general bringer-together of the Serians. His sense of humor and love of fun have ever kept him in a trickster frame of mind, and he often travels with the likes of Fiesta and brings what joy he can from corner to corner and pocket to pocket of the land.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com