A New Start
Talon's reBonding was a bit different than most others. The sundering of a Bond is never taken lightly, though when his Bonded could no longer care for Talon she did still look ahead for him and send him lovingly to a new home here in Pendar. She also chose to send him with Oak, a blessing in itself for the comfort and steadiness it provided.
One on one, Vineda had walked each of the new bonded through some of the lands of her home. It was theirs to choose and many were the options open to them here. She'd listened, spoken, answered questions, pondered, and simply enjoyed the company of her companion. For she had given them a choice. She could have it no other way here for this place was meant to be a haven.
Talon was difficult. He chose to forget. But it seemed he remembered. Though he desired - mostly - to leave his old Bond behind, a thread of it will always be with him in some way or another. Though he may have chosen to forget his past, it haunts him still, in bits and pieces, in dreams, or through a haze.
Trust was always slow to develop, though he had chosen to Bond again as his first Bonded had intended. He very rarely opens up willingly, rarely shows others his true self, but new friends and a new bonded show him the worth and appeal of that trust. He may be a challenge, yet so very worth it.
Blue-tinged feathers adorn his gray coat here and there, and his tail is uniquely feathered as well. His crown of feathers is raised as a sign of unease or excitement. Front legs are scaly, with sharp purple talons to match purple hind hooves. The talons are obvious weapons, and he can grip things rather hard with his front feet.
He wanders more than some others now, more than one might expect. His favorite pastime is admiring the flying birds and hovering around trees waiting for them to land. If he can find trees with enough low foliage and base support, he will climb in as much as he can. Once the birds land nearby he likes to play with them, using his feathers and his wide-ranging vocal abilities to chirrup and whistle back all manner of things to them. Shiny objects are his favorite; he collects those he finds and stashes them gods know where in his own little hoard.
Talon came to this land reluctantly, honoring his first Bonded's direction and following Oak's lead. Oak is his steadying presence, helped him cope and adjust. He wanders farther now, not needing Oak's constant reassurance. Finding secret places has become a good game, and once in a while he will join Illuminate or Sunsparkle on their smaller travels to such destinations. Learning to trust others in his Bond-herd and a few friends of theirs has given him more confidence in himself and allowed him to soar.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com