Sunray stepped forward at a quick pace, sure enough of himself to seem bold. His coat threw glints of sunlight back at the celestial body in the sky, and many a one has to look twice to see if it were purely imagination or if his fiery hooves struck small sparks as they landed.
It'd been a while since he'd felt so much pizzaz! He was on a mission, getting acclimated to a new land after attempting to select his own piece of it to call his home. Quite a difficult choice, and as he couldn't keep the clouds solid enough to support his body he spends his days between the clouds and the land.
Almost idly he spread feathered white wings in the wind of his passage, flexing them upwards and down just to feel the wind resistance against them. It might be more efficient to fly as he investigated, but he wanted to feel the land beneath his hooves, getting up close and personal. He needed a good run anyhow, to loosen up the muscles and wake him up.
A more solid, sunshiny presence you simply couldn't ask for! Sunray leaves friends with the impression of warmth and strength, and has few foes. It took him very little time at all to become a part of Pendar.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com