Her first task after coming to her new bond land and meeting those who loved there was to find a home. Shamrock, Fancy, and Gypsy were with her to show her the land's shrines and some major landmarks. All were quite nice, and the lands were beautiful as well as intriguing. But what she was longing for was peace and quiet.
It was strange; quieter in some ways, as there were no SilentSong voices echoing about. The voices of her new Bond mates however, were many. She would be glad to have time to herself to settle.
It was Gypsy she went on with to the deserts, after she'd finished the main tour. Though all the other lands were nice, none of them called to her as a new home. Gypsy took her to the largest desert, his favorite. Once there, she was much pleased, which made sense as her secondary altar was of the RedSands.
Here she found some red stone ruins build on an oasis that readily suited her needs. For now, this would be her new home. Sand dunes formed mountains on either side of a miniature lake of beautiful blue waters, and bright green hardy shrubs and palm trees thrived around its curves.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com