He could hear the words of others as though whispers in the background behind much noise - the noise of the heavens and of the secrets hidden behind the lies floating on the surface. Hear their thoughts? He doesn't need to. His instincts tell him much better than most cared to say aloud on their own. This certainly didn't win him many friends, simply solidified others' perceptions of his aloofness.
In the sun, he basks in the light. With the rise of the moon and the unveiling of the stars his perceptions sharpen even more. With the night, the auras stand out in even greater contrast... the inner lights of others shining forth in a display of moods and peronalities and self. They paint a rainbow of multi-colored hues against the blackness of the sky, the blanket of stars twinkling oh so closely to his valley glade. The glade changed location with no rhyme or reason.
Sacred is the will of others. Were it not... he could go so far as to alter their auras with a subtle finesse, and in doing so changing their minds or altering their moods, their inclinations, their feelings. Use themselves against them, if you will.
Tweaking his own aura is the only effect he'll exercise on others; exuding energies of his own rather than tampering directly with theirs. He's been called cupid, loki, pax, and many other namesakes because of these manipulative abilities.
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