On a mountain at the heart of the jungle she stopped her trek. There the serian called Galaxies found a valley of ancient ruins that suited her quite well. Perhaps she would grow to love it, finally set down roots, adjust to this new tie filling the space where previously there had been only an aching hole. Bright yellow tendrils of mane settled, nearly obscuring her horn as she lowered her head to drink from the reflecting pool. The pool that had pulled to her so strongly as she passed through the land. Gazing at it in thought as she sipped a few more times, she mulled over the near future. Here she could be close to the heavens, watch as storms rolled in on the lands below, could remain hidden to the world as a shadow if she so chose.
Tri-spiked tail switched a bit in agitation in a gesture she did not realize she'd inherited from her father, and he from his father before. Nimbus was on her mind much these past days; things were finally settling into some semblance of normalcy after they'd been reunited. It'd taken a while for things to even out and become more relaxed. Now her grand-sire was moving to their land of Pendar and joining the family... She could only wonder how that would be for Nimbus after so long, after having a family of his own.
She, her sire, and her grandsire all had taken well to the jungle lands bordering a large sea. Big tropical storms blew through frequently, freshening up the land with huge gusts of humid sea air. They banded together and supported one another, making sure they all had shelter through the storms... As a family should.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com