Here in the Heart of the Wood...
There is a place hidden deep, deep in the wood... the heart of the wood... that is home to a marvelous collection of pieces. Scraps. Shards. Fragments. Bits of different worlds converge here, mingling in an array of magic and mystery.
Here in the very heart of this land the old trees of the forest yield to encircle a large grotto with soft springy grass and a laughing stream. A few overgrown paths lead through the younger areas of the woods, eventually converging and winding their ways to this clearing, ending abruptly at one end of the meadow.
A small cottage, roughly made, sits nestled among the trees on the edge of the clearing, facing the stream and the caves. Fruit trees surround the little structure, and with a garden to one side, the cabin is hardly noticeable unless one knows it’s there. This cottage was made by one young woman who has come and fallen in love with this land.
Vineda, she is called in some places, Whimsy in others. Some refer to her as Vuelie. Call her what you will; she'll choose whether to answer, for she is the ever watchful keeper of the grounds here. Wander though she might, this vale of everywhere and nowhere calls her home. This heart of the wood is where uncounted pieces of different places meet. It allows access to many worlds, if one has need or should prove lucky enough to learn the well-guarded secrets of the Wood.
Here entrances and exits of alternate planes can be found - or if one is not cautious, stumbled upon haphazardly - and adventures may be found around the nearest corner. Have you ever been to Hyrule? Or Luster? Balinor? How about Aenir? Terabithia? Edil-Amarandh? Emelan? Whoville? Perhaps Edil-Amarandh or Tortall? No? Goodness, you've some exploring to do. Ancelstierre? Sacoridia or its neighboring Eletia? Mayhap you'll happen upon Alagaësia, Kyralia, or Avaric, Araluen or Kyrria. Even the fabled Middle Earth and Narnia are said to have crossed paths with this land at some point. A way into Avalon? Who knows?
The land has become enchanted with creatures and beings from some of these places, and its population is always in flux. Here in this glade weary travelers may rest well, and those lost may perhaps find their way.
There is but one rule widely followed:
Harm None.