Liquid, always in motion, boundless is Aqua. As a kind and gentle stream dancing along like such music, as a raging river barely kept in check by its banks, as a mysterious sea complacent on the surface with dangerously unpredictable tides swirling unseen beneath...
The sea she chose backed right up to a beach, and beyond the beach loomed a jungle that was often bombarded with tropical storms that rolled out waves just as big as you please. The stretch of shallows here against the jungle was tedious to some, but for one of the Seas born without fins or a water tail that wasn't entirely a bad thing.
Here she could wade until the moon burned up, swim until the sun turned to ice. Her body flowed through the ripples with joy, heart flying under the currents even as those with wings danced above the waves. Nowhere on the earth was she so weightless, so free, so alive. Yes, this was certainly a good sea for her.
And on the other side of that jungle... she could venture out and explore new waterways to her heart's content...
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