Through the scrubby grasslands travels Bound, slowly maneuvering at her leisure with rear legs and her tail. Despite being a bit of a tomboy, somehow she manages to keep the ribbon that winds around her tail clean and satiny. Its shine matches the gleam in her eye, one that warns against idle threats. Solitary though she might be in most cases, her love for those who earn a place in her heart is unbreakable.
Dare her to race you, and her pace will not be leisurely. With the use of her Kangaroo Tail she can reach excessive speeds, bounding as her name indicates between scrubby brush. Her hooves are strong against the hard-packed earth and sometimes sharp-bladed grasses. Jagged toxic yellow stripes zag across her back, catching light almost reflectively. Her grassland borders on flat out desert, and when temperatures soar she contents herself with remaining in her burrow until the sun begins its descent. Then she ventures out in search of a good water hole, green eyes glowing in the moon's luminescence.
One day a strange mint-and-blood colored serian flew through her secluded domain, and she of course decided to follow. He could outpace her at first, but it did not take her long to increase her speed to his level. Now she no longer shadows him, but bounds beside him. Fleet of the Eternal Sun and Bound of the Deep Shadows... running partners and friends.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com