Old scars. New scars. And on he ran. Under a bloody sunrise, one that held the promise of blistering rays. Dry grasses struggled to grow on the dry earth he ran over, and a cloud of dim dust fled out behind the green and rust blur.
His grey hair flew wild and unkempt all down his back, swaying and flying in the wind he created with his speed. Ears stayed down, eyes shifted about, watching for any beings he might need to avoid. Or to fight. He needn't worry. He chose the desolate path at the start for that very reason. Next, eyes roved over the terrain, judging. Hooves pushed too hard for too long over mean terrain were prone to develop painful cracks or stones. He chose the roughest route on purpose, continued his cruel pace deliberately. After his passing, dust slowly re-settled and all once again remained quiet.
Until... one day, when a dark blue figure started following him. At first, she hardly kept up. But she always found a way to do so. Eventually, she kept up even closer. Now... now she ran beside him. And he couldn't say why, but for the first time that was okay. Somehow she had become his closest friend.
For the first time... he wanted her there. And he couldn't even fathom how she'd changed that. But now, wherever he went, Bound often was there as well. The sound of her ribbon flying in the wind and her unique strides was the beat to their travels, the counterpart to his own racing hooves. She was his first friend in this land, and she held the key to the rest. Together, they would traverse all of Pendar.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com