Amaranth's first choice was a garden. It did not take her long to realize that she would soon be exploring further, however. It was a lovely garden, and no mistake. Bees hummed busily from flower to flower, sun shone steadily, light breezes made flowers and leaves sway. Hummingbirds zoomed into her presence, checking to make sure she was not hiding any precious nectar from them, butterflies would alight on her toxic tresses if she stay still enough to give them time.
The peace was nice sometimes... especially if her new bond family was being particularly obnoxious. But she was sure there were more surprises to be found, so onward she went to see what else was to be seen.
Name: Amaranth
Gender: Female
Age: adult
Affinity/Parents: Silent Song
Special Stats: none noted
Bond-day: April 3, 2018
Mate: none noted
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