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Serians were often known for their unique names... They often had deep roots and meanings, these names. Some said they were almost prophetic. And so what sort of being would sport the name Treasure?
Many that meet her believe her a treasure hunter, bound to seek and find all her days. It makes her a wanderer, a gypsy, roving through her days with constant movement and spending her nights dancing around a fire with friends and strangers alike to warm the soul.
Many believe that she be a tresure herself, one to make your heart smile the moment you see her. One to consider a friend, one to raise spirits.
Her decorations flutter around her, beads matching the purple shades of her eyes, a feather for lightness, and some tiny, jingling bell charms that constantly ring with movement. Purple specks fleck her hide with color, catching what light they can and glittering as though to a merry tune. Mint green and orange and purple, who'd have thunk it would go together so well?
What place in this land to call her home?
All of it. Quite a few wanderers lived hence already, claiming all the lands for their own, crossing paths at times, and sometimes sharing them.
Moving to a new Bond land was a new adventure. One she hoped would give her both a home and a journey to continue through the golden days and fire-lit nights. New friends, new roots.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com