Name: Wish
Gender: male
Age: adult
Altar/Affinity: Forest Song
Special Stats: none noted
Bond-Day: April 08, 2018
a special thank you to Aria for allowing Wish to make his home in Pendar
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com
Wish came here at the choice of one Bonded, who decided he should be more at home in Pendar, bonded to Vineda. This, she told him, was a great joy to her. He confessed he was pleased as well; the time had come to Bond again. This time he hoped would be for good.
Abandonment was no Serian's cup of tea. There were those who chose not to Bond, born into families that were against it. But being Abandoned... was the worst. Perhaps it alone was what kept those who chose to remain Unbonded from trying it.
He was happy here now at any rate, and glad to leave that awful business behind.
Here he had found a pool in a glade in the deep forest. Not just any pool. This one was special. At its depths were piles of treasure. Golden scepters, great shields with intricate gilding, suits of armor, renowned greatswords. Coins from ancient civilizations, an apple if his eyes didn't deceive him, delicate jewelry, carvings... Much of it was metal. But metal that did not rust, oddly enough.
Even stranger about this pool was that it was lit from within. Flowers at the depths of the crystal clear pool collected sunlight in the daytime and reflected it back as a beautiful golden light during the dark hours of the night.
It is here that Wish chooses to make his home in peace. When he is near the pool the water reflects in little ripples off of his own wavering silvery blue hide, and here that coins from wishing wells inevitably end up. It is Vineda's belief that since Wish came here... those who threw those coins for a wish have a wish coming true.