Name: Fancy
Gender: female
Age: adult
Special Stats: none noted
Altar/Affinity: Deep Shadows
Bond-day: March 23, 2010
Circle: the Sun's Shadow
Mate: Sunray
Fancy stalked through the shadows, wings flicking absently now and again. This was a quiet time... One in which she felt no need for company. Oftentimes she sought out others - usually her bond-mates - for something to do. Today, though, she flitted from shadow to shadow in the extensive cave system winding through the mountains of this land. It was a dangerous place, if you lost yourself, and often overlooked. But there were surprises here around every turn, things no one knew to look for.
Stopping to rest, the purple and silver mare stretched her body from nose to tail to wings. Her reprieve was short, for she knew she must be getting close. Twisting and turning through the tunnels, she finally came upon what she'd been looking for. The cavern widened and appeared to end, but as she approached she found an opening.
Silver-filigreed ears perked forward and she breathed in the open air deeply. The cave opened onto a ledge, from which she looked down upon the sloping side of the mountain. It was the perfect vantage point. The land below was highlighted by the cool moon's luminescence and the breeze that tousled her short mane was gentle. She'd rest here a bit before giving her wings some exercise. It was a good night.
Many years did Fancy spend alone, reveling in the dark nights lit by dancing slivers of moonbeam. One day did come a time when she desired companionship, after exploring caverns with one whose heartsong awoke her own. Alas, that bond was not to be, and yet it made her feel the loss of its absence when they parted. Then the darkness of the caverns became a gnawing press, and the echoes no longer felt friendly.
When she despaired of finding another whose song called to her in such a way, she met a sun stallion who cared for her with such kindness that her lifeflame was rekindled anew. His warmth lit her from within and she knew gladness and love. Sunray was her light in the dark, and though she could not tolerate his all encompassing sun endlessly, she came to love the light almost as much as the dark as it encompassed his spirit.
To learn more about serians and their homeland, visit www.sionayra.com