One star-speckled daughter of Shimmer and Sunspot learned at a young age to wander, to find adventure in the everyday. Living a gypsy lifestyle could be lonely at times, but for the most part there were always others to be met along the way. New experiences around each bend, and new challenges to go with them. Her inner light shines through around these stars, faint but most certainly there if one knows to look.
Her feet had finally stopped feeling itchy-twitchy. A quest was nigh, and there were so many places yet to explore, so many new faces to meet, so many new tales to hear. And the music! Sunsparkle could not wait for the next village inn... Oh, the music they played! The languages they spoke, music in their own right with lilts and dips and accents. The norms they inacted, the traditions they passed on, the stories passed down through generations, the dances they danced.
Down a tree-lined lane she strode, following a trodden path. Perhaps later she would stop for a bite to eat, grab an apple for afters if she came across a friendly tree... What more could a girl ask for? And then on for more of a stroll; perhaps she would leave the path for a dip in a pond, or a game of find-it at a waterfall with a friend. Perhaps she would get lost, or stuck, or gain another scar with a story attached to it...
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